About HIMSS Maryland Chapter

Welcome to the 2023 – 2024 year for the Maryland Chapter of HIMSS!

I am very excited to serve as President of our Maryland Chapter of HIMSS and continue my service for more than 20 years as a volunteer or board member. MDHIMSS has always provided me with accessible, relevant, and timely professional education as well as enabling me to stay connected to my colleagues in the industry.  I am honored to serve our membership and will work hard with this year’s Board of Directors and volunteers to continue to deliver great, affordable professional education and advocacy.

I want to thank Jackie Rice, CIO and VP Information Systems at Frederick Health, for her service as MDHIMSS President last year.  Under Jackie’s leadership, the chapter established the Inaugural Two-Day MDHIMSS Conference and Golf Tournament.  The conference was a sold-out success that featured outstanding speakers and topics and also provided representation from most of our Maryland Health System technology departments.  I am thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Two- Day Conference and Golf Tournament this April 15 and 16, 2024.

We are grateful for Jackie’s commitment to support the organization as an officer in the role of Past President this year. I am thrilled to be joined by Ravi Singh who will serve as your President-Elect this year.

As we move into a new year, we owe a huge thank you to the 2022-2023 Board of Directors for their dedication, service, and leadership over the past year, as well as to all our volunteers for giving their time and talents to make the year a success. Volunteerism is vital to the success of MDHIMSS.  All of our events and initiatives are planned and executed by volunteers.  MDHIMSS offers a wonderful opportunity to work with your peers in the industry and develop new leadership skills.  I encourage all of our members to consider one of the many opportunities to volunteer; whether behind the scenes or out front at our in-person events, there is so much to be done.  I can attest to the value of networking and professional development from being a MDHIMSS volunteer.

As I look ahead to the upcoming year and the challenges we will face, there is tremendous power in the size of our membership and the many talents our officers, board directors, and MDHIMSS members bring to this organization. Through our collective action, I am confident we can fulfill HIMSS mission: To reform the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology. The mission reflects the organizational strategy as well as a recommitment to the individual – the patient, the human, the IT professional, the innovator.

MDHIMSS is considered one of the largest and most active HIMSS chapters and we want to expand on that.  Most of the hospitals in Maryland are HIMSS Organizational Affiliate (OA) Members which entitles all of their employees to register and join HIMSS and MDHIMSS for free.  This will gain them access to the tremendous resources available at the National HIMSS level as well as to the Maryland Chapter events and resources. We encourage all of our Organizational Affiliates to take advantage of this benefit – particularly in these very lean budget years where it is increasingly difficult to send our staff to continuing education opportunities.

The board has gained valuable feedback and researched several national HIMSS chapters to learn more about where we can alter, update, and add resources and opportunities in the coming year. We held our Board of Directors’ retreat in June and have developed a plan for this year’s events, education, advocacy, and professional enrichment.

In the works for this year:

  • Several virtual education events offering easily accessible free education to our members
  • A full fall membership networking event including an outdoor option
  • An opportunity to participate in HIMSS certification training
  • Our second annual MDHIMSS Chapter Conference –a two-day event in the spring that will combine a traditional golf tournament and education tracks
  • Several, more intimate, and track-focused regional events

I am thrilled to be working with such an exceptional group of leaders in the months ahead.

Thank you for allowing me to serve alongside you this year. I truly appreciate your support, and encourage you to share your feedback and ideas as we work together in the upcoming year.


Jennifer Moore
Jennifer Moore
President & Governance Committee Co-Chair
    Principal, Moore Health Care
    Executive Director Partners in Care Network