It's the time of year to elect a new Board of Directors! Please find the materials below supporting the 2024-2025  election process. We have many Board openings and strongly encourage your participation in a Chapter leadership role. Please note that the process to elect the Board of Directors is like last year’s process.

To educate candidates on the different Board roles and ensure they have the proper skill set and time to fulfill the responsibilities of the Board position they have been nominated for, an Elections Committee has been formed that will review all candidate applications and interview the top 2 – 3 candidates for the Board position based on an objective scoring system. The goal of this process is to propose a slate of candidates for approval by the general membership.

If you have any questions about this new process, please do not hesitate to contact Cece Lowry and/or Nick Del Priore at


Cece Lowry, Secretary – GIC HIMSS   
Nick Del Priore, Immediate Past President  


Members who are elected to the Board must be active, dues-paid members of National HIMSS and the Greater Illinois Chapter who have completed at least one (1) year of membership. Nominees for President-Elect must have held a position on the GIC HIMSS Board in at least one of the preceding three (3) years.

Term of Office (Excluding Members at Large)

The tenure of elected Directors shall commence July 1 through June 30.  President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President are each one-year terms that are served consecutively. The term of President is effectively 3 years with one year in each position. A President-Elect will be elected each year. Member-at-Large positions will be elected each year for one-year terms unless otherwise specified.   The terms of all other Directors shall be two years. All Directors, except President, may serve in the same position for two (2) consecutive terms.

Application Process

Please be prepared to submit your Resume/CV, personal statement and a head shot.

Nomination Process

If you meet the eligibility requirements and want to nominate yourself for one of the available positions or volunteers on a committee, please complete the nomination form using this link!

Questions regarding serving on the GIC HIMSS board should be directed to Cece Lowry and/or Nick Del Priore at Thank you and we look forward to your participation in our Chapter's leadership.

Open Positions


  • President-Elect (3-year term with succession to President in Year 2 and Past-President in Year 3)
  • Secretary (2-year term)

Director/ Committee Chair (2-Year Term):

  • Communications Director
  • Sponsorship Director
  • Advocacy Director

Members at Large (1-Year Term)

  • Member-at-Large – Programs
  • Member-at-Large – Communications
  • Member-at-Large – Student Liaison
  • Member-at-Large – Sponsorship
  • Member-at-Large – Generalist
  • Member-at-Large – Treasurer-Elect



Members At Large

Member At Large – Treasurer-Elect: Works with the Treasurer to maintain all financial records and support the management of all cash and bank accounts of the Chapter.  Assists the Treasurer in preparing reports on the Chapter’s financial position for the Board


Member At Large – Communications: Works with the Communication Co-Directors and Communications Committee on newsletters, promoting GIC HIMSS events and other GIC HIMSS communications services to our members.


Member At Large – Programs: Works with the Programs Director on chapter-related events, educational programs, and webinars.


Member At Large – Sponsorship: Works with the Sponsorship Co-Directors and Committee in managing the Chapter’s Sponsorship Program, including soliciting sponsors supportive of the Chapter’s mission and ensuring that sponsorship dollars are used to meet the Chapter’s goals and objectives.


Member At Large – Student Liaison: Works with universities and colleges to promote the benefits of HIMSS membership to students. The Student Liaison shall be a student who is currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program.


Member At Large – Generalist: Works with Professional Development, Membership and Advocacy Committees as needed and is assigned special projects as designated by the Board.


Member At Large—Treasurer Elect: Works with the Treasurer to maintain all financial records and support the management of all cash and bank accounts of the Chapter.  Assists the Treasurer in preparing reports on the Chapter’s financial position for the Board.  Reviews the budget and fiscal operations of the Chapter and serves as a delegate to the Treasurer in instances when the Treasure is unable to attend meeting



Communications Director: Responsible for the preparation and distribution of all Chapter publications, including a Chapter newsletter that shall be published on at least a semi-annual basis. Maintains the content of the Chapter website, communicating Chapter business to other individuals and groups, and promotes the Chapter in professional journals and with other professional groups.


Sponsorship Director: The Sponsorship Chair shall be responsible for managing the Chapter’s Sponsorship Program, including soliciting sponsors supportive of the Chapter’s mission, and ensuring that sponsorship dollars are used to meet the Chapter’s goals and objectives. The Sponsorship Chair shall also work closely with the sponsors to ensure that the chapter is meeting their expectations as a sponsor. 


Advocacy Director:  Attends monthly HIMSS Chapter Advocacy Roundtable calls and reports back to the Board. The Advocacy Chair facilitates legislative outreach on behalf of the Chapter and its members and encourages interaction at the local, state and federal levels regarding health care technology initiatives.  The Chair works with their committee to facilitate Advocacy events as well as prepare articles for the chapter newsletter on Advocacy activities in Illinois and nationally. 




President-Elect: The President-Elect assists the President in conducting the business affairs and activities of the chapter through special assignments and duties delegated at the direction of the President and/or the Board. He/she acts in the President’s absence in chapter relationships with other related professional societies. The President-Elect assumes the office of the President upon conclusion of the one-year term as President-Elect.


Secretary: Maintains all Chapter records including minutes of Board meetings. With the Past-President, conducts the annual election including preparing election ballots and reporting the election results to the President.