Ikatan Dokter Indonesia

Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) was officially established on October 24, 1950. The word 'Ikatan' contained in the name was a proposal put forward by Dr. R Suharto. In 1953, IDI joined and became an active member of the World Medical Association (WMA) and IDI is the only Indonesian Medical organization recognized by WMA. In 1980, IDI initiated Medical Association of ASEAN (MASEAN), and has been an active member of the organization ever since. IDI also initiated Confederation of Medical Association in Asia and Oceania (CMMAO) and since then, IDI has been an active member of the organization. Currently in the Executive Board of the Indonesian Medical Association (PB IDI) there are 3 assemblies, namely the Honorary Council for Medical Ethics (MKEK), the Indonesian Medical Collegium Council (MKKI), and the Council of Medical Professional Service Development (MPPK), as well as 39 medical associations, 55 sub medical associations, and 38 medical colleges under each of these assemblies. Currently, IDI is led by Dr. M Adib Khumaidi, SpOT as General Chair and Dr. Ulul Albab, SpOG as Secretary General for the 2022-2025 period.