Digital Health

NFL’s Damar Hamlin, a Healthcare Miracle, at HIMSS23

Photo of Damar Hamlin

NFL player Damar Hamlin will speak at the 2023 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition about his near-death experience, sharing how it has provided unexpected opportunities. 

Slated for April 17-21 in Chicago, HIMSS23 is widely regarded as the Davos Summit of healthcare information and technology. Health that Connects Tech that Cares, also the conference theme this year. 

One of several high-profile speakers at the conference, Hamlin will spotlight the trainers and medical personnel who rushed to his aide when he collapsed in a televised Monday Night Football game. Hamlin spent the following days in critical condition at University of Cincinnati Medical Center. His experience prompted a national campaign to promote CPR training. 

Additional HIMSS23 Keynotes 

A panel of healthcare executives will offer perspectives on the future of care delivery. Non-traditional services have increased in market share and opportunities have emerged for traditional healthcare to evolve on the how-and-where. Featuring: 

  • Dr. Vin Gupta, pulmonologist and medical analyst, NBC News  
  • Deborah DiSanzo, president, Best Buy Health  
  • Andrea M. Walsh, president and CEO HealthPartners  
  • Tim Barry, chair and CEO, VillageMD 

Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, will speak on the economic outlook for the next few years. Zandi will address the following and more. 

  • With the Federal Reserve determined to quickly rein in inflation, recession looks increasingly likely. But is it inevitable?  
  • What would have to happen to avoid a downturn?  
  • Business leaders, consumers, and workers alike are voicing deep anxiety and uncertainty about the future. If a recession occurs, how severe and long is it likely to be?   

Ben Nemtin, co-founder of The Buried Life movement, will deliver a message of radical possibility combined with his “5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible,” which equips people with tools to tackle the seemingly insurmountable. 

HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition

The HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition is the can’t-miss health information and technology event of the year, where professionals connect for education, innovation and collaboration.

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