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Healthcare Career Pathways

Navigating your career progression in today’s job market can be a daunting task. There are many paths to get from where you are today to where you need to be to reach a desired goal. Knowing more about a desired position and how to progress toward it is difficult without the appropriate support.

HIMSS has simplified this process by developing the Healthcare Career Pathways tool to assist those exploring health information and technology roles. This tool helps users to map various potential career paths, which helps them visualize the steps to reach a desired position in the industry. The tool can also be used as a starting point to help answer the question", where do I go from here, “providing a potential path forward.

The tool is divided into four career levels of progression:


A beginning point of entry for the careerists in their path (not necessarily an “entry level” position). Less scope of responsibility and influence.


The next logical level of progression with a slightly more advanced title, responsibility, influence and skill set.

Advanced Level

The next logical career step with a much larger scope of responsibility and seniority for a particular position.

Expert Level

The highest-level in a career path with the most in responsibility, scope and skills for a particular position. This level is not necessarily always a C-suite position.

Once you click on a specific job title you will be taken to more detailed information on that position, including the job description, skills required and other information. These position titles are based on the titles listed in the HIMSS Health Information and Technology Job Descriptions document, which is updated regularly to reflect the most in-demand position titles in the industry.

Users will gain better insights into the experience and skills required for a particular position as they progress through a particular path. These insights can help one hone in on the skills needed to move into a desired position. Each position also connects to the HIMSS JobMine, where the user can view similar positions currently open in the industry. Once in the HIMSS JobMine users can also discover even more insights about a particular role by using the career planning tools available.