What is Patient Engagement?

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Patient engagement is centered on providers and patients working together to improve health. A patient’s greater engagement in healthcare contributes to improved health outcomes. Patients want to be engaged in their healthcare decision-making process, and those who are engaged as decision-makers in their care tend to be healthier and experience better outcomes.

HIMSS equips healthcare providers to digitally connect with patients and families through patient portal adoption, secure messaging, social media and other emerging technologies.

Visit the HIMSS Bookstore to find industry resources on patient engagement.

Patient Engagement Resources

HIMSS17 Infocus: The Evolution of Patient Engagement

Though original motivation may remain the same, the methods and technologies that enable patient engagement are changing. In fact, perhaps "engagement" itself has even become an inadequate term. As seen in this eBook, "personalization" and "empowerment" may be better descriptors of how digital innovations in connected health are changing the ability of patients to take ownership of their respective health journeys.

Download the eBook


Dive into a series of HIMSS TV interviews focused on patient experience, engagement and more.


Patient Experience Summit

Be part of the largest independent patient experience event in the world.

For more than a decade, Cleveland Clinic has pioneered an international movement to improve the care experience for clinicians and patients by emphasizing empathy in healthcare. Through honest commentary on what hasn’t worked and patient reflections on what’s still needed, the annual summit provides a forum for industry leaders from around the world to work together to deliver the best clinical, physical and emotional experience to patients and families.

In 2019, participants came from 46 states and 34 countries to bring together the leaders, providers, healthcare organizations, patients, payers, and industries committed to improving the patient experience through empathy and innovation.

Learn More About Patient Experience Summit